Obsessed With Crawford

Okay, I know I recently wrote about Crawford and Son, but this is seriously my most favorite restaurant ever……I mean ever…..that includes back at home in San Diego where there are also a ton of amazing restaurants.  In fact, I travel all over and this is my favorite anywhere. Also, can you not get over the fact of what a freaking stand-up guy Chef Scott is and his family…..so damn adorable!!!!!?????

Okay, starting to sound less obsessed and more stalkerish, so I shall move on.  We are going again tomorrow night and I realize I did not post the pictures from the last time when we were there and shame on me for that as it is was just as amazing as before.  Chef changes his menu quite often and I am always trying new things, so I will continue to share my loves (some are ones that do not seem to leave the menu……thank….such as the Yellowtail Crudo).

Another fun and great night that started off with a cocktail and a bottle of wine and ended with a cocktail at the bar.  I have to share the Yellowtail Crudo again because it is THAT good.  Someone asked me what Crudo meant, so I shall clarify….RAW.  So, when you order something that has crudo in the name, don’t be upset it is cold!!!  Yes, that has happened, but Chef does a great job with his menu and he clearly labels all of the raw items in a separate area (I often use his menu as a guidance to other restaurants for layout, amount of details, etc. when asked for examples of good).  This dish is so delicious with all of the various components he is able to pack in there  and it just makes me tingle with each bite.  We have miso in here, fermented peppers, seaweed, etc.  The Yellowtail is so fresh and is just absolutely amazing!!!!!!!!!!!

My husband (Matt) was super excited to go as we had seen Chef post this dish on Instagram (if you do not follow him or his restaurant….you better get on that as you are missing out on special menu items that you will want to run….not walk….to get there to consume immediately if not sooner).  This is called Crab Porridge and has brown butter, parmesan and is topped with sunchoke chips.  Matt absolutely devoured and LOVED this dish.  I liked it a lot, but I think I had different expectations, which is kind of silly since it is called porridge.  For some reason, I had expected chunks of crab, which is does not have.   However, that does not mean you do not taste the crab, which is important, but I would have liked a few chunks in there.  Again, another win by Chef, but if you did not get it while it was there, it is now gone…..for at least the time being.

I always get so full and this is literally the one and only place I seem to always intentionally save room for dessert (or just make room), which is funny because when I read his desserts they are not usually what I would be drawn to, but I have absolutely loved all of them.  But before I get to that I have to tell you about this main entree we got that was literally mind blowing, cream your pants good!!!!!!!

It was the Braised Pork Cheeks….holy freaking hell was this good.  The Pork literally just fell apart to the touch of a fork it was so moist (hehehe….yes…I am immature) and juicy and was served over absolutely the most amazingly perfect consistency and taste of parmesan grits!!  I never had grits until I moved to Raleigh from San Diego, but I am a damn sucker for good grits.  It also included butter cabbage (whoa…..surprising slamming taste) and leeks and whey.  This might be one of my favorite main courses I have had there so far…..Chef….you are making it hard on me!!!!  I will admit I cheated on this picture (thank you Anthony for being my back-up) as I get so giddy and excited I dig in too soon, so they snapped this one before going out to another table.  I want to make sure I give the proper photo creds!

I decided to try something different for dessert and went with the Olive Oil Cake (with lemon mousse, caramel popcorn and milk jam).  I have to admit I was drawn to it because of the caramel popcorn (I LOVE popcorn) and was slightly worried as I usually am when ordering desserts here as they usually always include citrus components that I am not typically a fan of, but as usual…..YUM!!  Chef does such a great job of making those citrus components very subtle and refreshing rather than the main taste that takes over the dessert.  This cake was so moist and when you paired all of the components together….it was like nothing I have ever had before.  BTW, the caramel popcorn was nice and salty too……hhmmmm……yes.

We decided we had held up our table for long enough and saw some seats open up at the bar so moved on over and I asked for a surprise cocktail.  I cannot for the life of me remember exactly what was in this drink even though she told me, but my guess is mezcal (if you have not had this, it is a smoky tequila and is very unique and special tasting) and possibly Frangelico or something similar (hazelnut flavored liquor).  It was delicious and a very nice end to our evening.

SO EXCITED TO GO TOMORROW NIGHT!!!  Chef’s new spring menu is out and I am definitely going to be trying the Asparagus Salad and the Wagyu Beef Shortrib!!!

#raleighfoodwhore #crawfordandson #scottcrawford #raleighrestaurants #downtownraleigh #bestraleighrestaurant

Author: JennJohnson

I am a born and raised Southern CA girl living in Raleigh with a passion for family, friends, good food and great drinks! I worked in the restaurant industry for about ten years (a long time ago), which is likely where I started to develop and harness my love for food and good service!

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