Here I Go!!!

Wow, now that I have finally done this…..where do I start!!??  Okay, some of you know that I have been wanting to start a blog for quite some time and I cannot explain why it has taken me so long, but here I finally am.  I have not fully defined what this will look like, but essentially I plan to post here about my meals, life changing food experiences, amazing recipes that I have tried, things you find at stores that are a must buy, etc, etc.  As my site name says, I am a food whore and if I am not eating….I am thinking about what I might eat next!!!!  So, expect information on all things food in the triangle, at my home, from stores and anywhere else I happen to come upon tasty treats!!!

I will continue to work to organize the site as I get new posts up.  My goal is to provide a place where you can find Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill restaurant reviews (really anywhere in the Triangle).  I will share with you the best recipes that I either develop or come across for your browsing and use.  I will also provide recommendations on any store bought items that you may not know about and absolutely should.  I hope you enjoy reading regularly and I promise to let you know when new posts are available!!


Jenn Johnson

Author: JennJohnson

I am a born and raised Southern CA girl living in Raleigh with a passion for family, friends, good food and great drinks! I worked in the restaurant industry for about ten years (a long time ago), which is likely where I started to develop and harness my love for food and good service!

8 thoughts on “Here I Go!!!”

    1. Brian…Brian….Brian…now you know me better than that! When I am not a foodie, or even when I am, I am always a lush! 😉

  1. Great idea Jenn! I am looking forward to reading about your food adventures, but it won’t stop me from texting you to ask what I should order everytime I show up at a new restaurant in Raleigh!

    1. You can always text me anytime! I organize the posts into meaningful categories soon so that you can search restaurant or food reviews by location, type of cuisine, etc.!

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